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IOM Best Practice Guide For Employers of Migrant Workers in the Hospitality Sector in Hong Kong SAR, China

The IOM Best Practice Guide for Employers of Migrant Workers in the Hospitality Sector has been developed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to support employers in the hospitality sector in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China to develop voluntary measures to promote safe, orderly and regular migration, particularly in relation to internationally recognised standards on ethical recruitment and employment of migrant workers. This guide provides a framework for designing and implementing sector-specific ethical recruitment and employment practices, by spotlighting industry best practices, making reference to case studies, recommended policies and practices and relevant resources for stakeholders. The guidance and resources in this guide are aligned with international human rights and labour standards and frameworks on international migration, and have been developed in consultation with migration experts, employers, ethical intermediaries and migrant workers.

This report is also available in Chinese. To learn more on key practices for employers of migrant workers in the hospitality sector, watch this video.


本最佳做法指南由國際移民組織(IOM)編寫,旨在支持中國香港特別行政區(以下簡稱“ 中國香港特區”)酒店業僱主制定自願措施,特別是與國際公認的移民工人道德招聘和僱傭 標準相關的措施,以促進安全、有序和正常的移民。本指南通過重點介紹行業最佳做法,借 鑒案例分析,以及為利益攸關方提供政策與實務建議和相關資源,為行業設計和實施道德 招聘和僱傭提供一個框架。本指南中的指導和資源與國際人權和勞工標準以及國際移民框 架保持一致, 並經過了與移民事務專家、合規中介、僱主和移民工人的協商。




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