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Through our partnerships, MBHR Programme in Asia promotes a strategic approach to human rights in international supply chains that brings together all stakeholders and puts migrant workers and their rights at the centre of decision-making. 

We work closely with our partners, based on the shared values outlined in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and leverage IOM’s role as a UN agency leading on migration and providing direct assistance to migrants, governments and the private sector.  

Drawing from our extensive global network and field presence, we support and drive the implementation of targeted programmes with our partners in the following ways: 


With Multinational Enterprises

We enhance transparency in supply chains, develop strategies to identify and address risks, leverage supply chain relationships, build knowledge on migration, support impact assessments and public reporting, and promote sectoral and multi-stakeholder collaboration. 

With employers

We carry out migrant-centred human and labour rights risk assessments, help strengthen policies and management systems, provide practical training and tools and support engagement with migrant workers, civil society, recruiters and multinational enterprises.

With labour recruiters

We raise awareness about ethical recruitment practices, provide practical training and tools, and support ethical recruiters in accessing credible accreditation systems such as IOM IRIS and responsible recruitment markets based on the Employer Pays Principle. 

With migrant workers

We increase access to transparent information on their rights during labour migration and support services, help strengthen grievance mechanisms, and promote the inclusion of migrant workers in workplace dialogue and collaboration.

With civil society

We develop ways to involve civil society organizations in human rights due diligence and ethical recruitment practices, support direct assistance to migrant populations, and stay informed on developments around migrant workers’ experiences.

With governments

We provide technical assistance and  advice to strengthen public policies, regulations and enforcement mechanisms on labour migration, advocate for and facilitate international and multi-stakeholder dialogue, and promote public-private partnerships based on our engagement with the private sector. 

With multi-stakeholder initiatives

We work with all partners to establish and support multi-stakeholder dialogue and collaboration, promote experience sharing and lessons learned between civil society, governments and businesses, and drive sector-wide initiatives to protect and respect migrant workers’ rights.



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