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Respect and Remedy

All businesses have a responsibility to respect human rights. This includes migrant workers’ rights. Because of the complexity of labour migration processes and the unique risks faced by migrant workers, many businesses encounter difficulties when addressing human rights abuses. 

We support businesses in developing and implementing policies and strategies that truly respond to the risks facing migrant workers and align with international standards on recruitment, migration and employment. Human rights due diligence is an essential next step for all types of businesses to identify, prevent and mitigate the human rights risks within their own operations, in their supply chain and other business relationships. We assist all types of businesses in ensuring that their due diligence systems are fit-for-purpose, migrant-centred and a source for continuous learning over time.

Just as all businesses have a responsibility to respect human rights, they also must remedy any human rights harms they caused or contributed to. Grievance mechanisms enable businesses to identify potential human rights abuses in their operations and supply chains, and to remediate these impacts early and directly to prevent harm from continuing. Migrant workers often face multiple barriers preventing them from accessing effective remedy services in countries of origin and destination. 

Through our engagement with migrant workers, employers and recruiters, we help businesses understand and identify actual and potential harms that have occurred to migrant workers. Based on IOM’s expertise in assisting migrants, we guide our partners through a fair, transparent and inclusive remediation process. We also support business with the development of effective and operational grievance mechanisms that are responsive to the needs of all migrant workers, and include migrants and their representatives at all stages of design and implementation.



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