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Impact Report - Corporate Responsibility In Eliminating Slavery And Human Trafficking In Persons (CREST) Project

The CREST project (2017 - 2023), which was funded by the Government of Sweden, was designed as public-private initiative to support businesses to uphold and promote the human and labour rights of migrant workers in key sectors and migration corridors in Asia.

The Impact Report presents a summary of key results and lessons learned from the CREST project, focusing on engaging private sector actors to drive positive transformations in the global supply chain. 

In January 2024, IOM launched the Migration, Business and Human Rights (MBHR) in Asia programme, jointly funded by the Government of Sweden and the European Union. Shaped through extensive meaningful consultations with government bodies, private sector entities, civil society organizations, women’s groups, migration experts, and UN agencies, the MBHR in Asia programme builds on the CREST project, encompassing both countries of destination and origin in Asia, and adopts a more targeted approach to mainstream migration into the “Protect, Respect, Remedy” pillars of the UNGPs.



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