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Protecting Migrant Workers in Global Supply Chains: IOM’s Resource Package for Employers

virtual launch Protecting Migrant Workers in Global Supply Chains: IOM’s Resource Package for Employers

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is pleased to invite you to the virtual launch Protecting Migrant Workers in Global Supply Chains: IOM’s Resource Package for Employers on Thursday, 19 May 2022 at 2PM (GMT+7).

Migrant workers are increasingly an important part of international supply chains. However, they remain disproportionately vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, representing almost a quarter of the 25 million victims of forced labour globally.

In the era of conscious consumerism and increasing human rights due diligence legislation, businesses are expected not only to voice their commitment to uphold human rights but to follow through on those commitments.

IOM’s Migrant Worker Guidelines for Employers and the e-Course on an Introduction to the Management of Fair and Ethical Recruitment and Employment of Migrant Workers, in addition to forthcoming IOM tools, are essentials of all businesses keen to respect the rights of migrant workers in their operations and supply chains.

During the event, speakers will outline trends in ethical recruitment and employment practice, detail the special features of the Migrant Worker Guidelines and the e-Course, and explore private sector experiences in accelerating protection and respect of migrant workers in supply chains.


14:00 - 16:00 (GMT+7), Thursday, 19 May 2022



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